Christmas traditions on the world

Fürész-Mayernik Melinda [cikkei] - 2015-12-03
Nyelvgyakorlók számára a szöveg angolul/magyarul is megtalálható.
Have a look how Christmas is celebrated around the world, for example in Germany, Italy, Belgium, the United Kingdom and other countries.
Christmas traditions on the world


  • Santa Claus comes on the sixth of December. He puts sweets and rod to the children’s shoes.
  • On 24th of December, children go to their relative because little Jesus brings the tree and the presents.
  • People eat fish soup, rice, potatoes, meat, and poppy-seed or nut ‘beigli’.


  • On the sixth of December Saint Nicholas is celebrated.
  • Santa Claus in Belgium is called de Kerstman or Le Père Noël. He brings the presents and put under the tree or in stockings near the fireplace.


  • Santa Claus is called Papai Noel.
  • The main menu is chicken and rice.


  • Finnish people believe that Santa Claus lives in Finland: Corvatunturi (Lapland). Tourist come here to see Christmas Land.
  • They eat fish (salmon, herrings), mushroom, salad and gingerbreads.
  • People go to church and to the sauna. After that comes Santa Claus (who is a member of the family).
  • People go to cemeteries in the evenings.


  • In France Christmas is called Noël.
  • They eat meat and drink wine.


  • In Italy an ugly witch brings the presents to the children.


  • Germans love to decorate their houses at Christmas with lights, electric candles and pictures.
  • They have an Adventskranz – a wreath of leaves with 4 candles.
  • ‘Der Weihnachtsmann’ brings presents in the afternoon and then people go to church.
  • They eat fish and goose.
  • The Christmas tree come from here originally.


  • In Ukraine Father Frost brings the presents and ‘Snowflake Girl’ helps him.

the United States of America

  • In the USA people decoreate the tree 3-4 weeks before Christmas (from Thanksgiving Day).
  • In the USA Santa Claus (Father Christmas) brings the presents with the reindeers. On Christmas Eve (24th of Dec.) children hang stockings on the fireplace and they find the presents in the morning. Some sweets in the stockings and presents under the tree. The ‘bad child’ get only a coal.
  • Santa Claus is come down through the chimney. Children put cookies, milk for Santa (maybe brandy) and a carrot for Rudolph.

the United Kingdom

  • Here the Santa Claus brings the presents, too on Christmas Eve (24th of Dec.). On Christmas Day (25th of Dec.) children find the presents in the stockings or under the tree. On Boxing Day (26th of Dec.) people go relatives.
  • Before Christmas children write letters to Santa and tossed into the fireplace. Father Christmas reads the smoke.
  • In this they people eat turkey, pudding and drink eggnog. Christmas pudding is a typical Christmas dinner in Britain, it contains dried fruit and often moistened by treacle and flavoured with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger or other spices.
  • Here the mistletoe is a famous plant, it brings good luck and people have to kiss each other under.


Hungary Magyarország
Belgium Belgium
Brazil Brazília
Finland Finnország
France Franciaország
Italy  Olaszország
Germany Németország
the United States of America Amerika Egyesült Államok
the United Kingdom  Egyesült Királyság
Santa Claus Mikulás, Télapó
sweets édességek
rod virgács
fish soup halászlé
rice rizs
potato burgonya
meat hús
poppy-seed beigli mákos bejgli
nut beigli diós bejgli
stocking zokni
fireplace kandalló
chicken csirke
salmon  lazac
herring hering
mushroom gomba
salad saláta
gingerbread mézeskalács
cemetery temető
eat enni
drink inni
wine bor
ugly csúnya
witch boszorkány
wreath  koszorú
church templom
goose liba
fish hal
Christmas tree karácsonyfa
Father Frost „Fagy apó”
Snowflake Girl „Hópihe lány”
Thanksgiving Day hálaadás napja
reindeer rénszarvas
coal szén
chimney  kemény
cookies sütemények
milk tej
brandy konyak
carrot répa
write írni
letter levél
toss dob
read olvasni
smoke füst
turkey pulyka
Christmas pudding karácsonyi puding
eggnog tojáslikőr
dried fruit  szárított gyümölcs
moisten leönteni
treacle  melasz
flavoured ízesített
cinnamon fahéj
nutmeg szerecsendió
cloves szegfűszeg
ginger gyömbér
spices fűszerek
mistletoe fagyöngy








































Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

A cikket elolvashatod magyar nyelven is: Karácsonyi szokások a világban 

Adventi naptár a játékos angolozáshoz, minden naphoz tartozik egy-egy motivációs idézet, dal, mondóka, videó, kreatív ötlet, amit a gyerkőccel együtt lehet csinálni és az angol nyelvet észrevétlenül belopni a mindennapokba, miközben a karácsonyra készülődünk.

Fotó: OZphotography/

Fürész-Mayernik Melinda

Fürész-Mayernik Melinda
Baba- és gyermek angol oktató, tanácsadó

Telefon: 06-30/402-80-92
(A hozzászólások megjelenítéséhez jelentkezz be Facebookra!)


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