Ebben a bejegyzésben összegyűjtöttem néhány húsvéti mondókát és dalt angolul, amikre még mozogni is lehet, így dupla élvezetet biztosít.
Ha a végére nagyon elfáradtatok, akkor pedig töltsétek le a színezőt, amivel a színek angol neveit is gyakorolhatjátok!
I’m a Little Bunny
I'm a little bunny, with a cotton tail; (nyuszifület mutatunk a kezünkkel,
See me hopping down the trail, ugrálunk,
When I see a carrot ---
My ears - they shake! megmozgatjuk a fülünket=kezünket)
And then, of course,
A Bite I take!!!
CRUNCH!!!!! (úgy teszünk, mintha répába harapnánk)
See the Sleeping Bunnies
See the little bunnies sleeping (fekszünk a földön, úgy teszünk, mintha aludnánk)
Till it's nearly noon,
Shall we try and wake them
With a merry tune.
Oh, so still.
Are they ill?
Wake up soon! (felébredünk)
Hop little bunnies...hop, hop, hop (ugrálunk, mint a nyuszik)
Hop little bunnies...hop, hop, hop
Hop little bunnies...hop, hop, hop
Hop little bunnies, hop and stop!
Skip little bunnies…. skip, skip, skip….
Jump little bunnies… jump, jump, jump….
Funny Bunny Hop
Funny, little bunny goes hop, hop, hop! (ugrálunk, mint a nyuszik)
Funny little bunny, please stop,stop,stop! (megállunk)
Wiggle your ears and crinkle your nose. (hegyezzük a fülünket és szimatolunk)
Then wiggle, wiggle, wiggle right down to your toes. (megrázzuk magunkat)
Hop Little Rabbit
Hop, little rabbit, hop, hop, hop, (ugrálunk, mint a nyuszik)
Hop, little rabbit, don't you stop.
Hop, little rabbit, one, two, three. (ugrunk hármat)
Hop, little rabbit, hop to me.
Five Little Bunnies
Hippity hop and hippety hay,
Five little bunnies went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny hopped away.
How many bunnies are left?
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
Four little bunnies went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny hopped away.
How many bunnies are left now?
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
Three little bunnies went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny hopped away.
Now, how many bunnies are there?
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
Two little bunnies went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny hopped away.
How many bunnies are left now?
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
One little bunny went out to play.
Hippety hop and hippety hay,
All the bunnies have hopped away.
Oh, I hope they all come back to play.
The Way the Bunny Hops
This is the way the bunny hops, (ugrálunk, mint a nyuszik)
Hop hop hop,
Hop, hop, hop
This is the way the bunny hops
On Easter day!
This is the way he wiggles his nose, (mozgatjuk az orrunkat)
Wiggle. wiggle, wiggle,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
This is the way the bunny wiggles his nose
On Easter day!
This is the way he flops his ears, (mozgatjuk a fülünket)
Flop, flop, flop.
Flop, flop, flop
This is the way he flops his ears
On Easter day!
This is the way he shakes his tail, (rázzuk a farkunkat)
Shake, shake, shake,
Shake, shake, shake
This is the way he shakes his tail
On Easter day!
This is the way the bunny hops, (ugrálunk)
Hop hop hop,
Hop, hop, hop
This is the way the bunny hops
On Easter day!
On Easter day!
Letölthető/nyomtatható Húsvéti angol foglalkoztató
Happy Easter!
Fotó: cocoparisienne/pixabay
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![]() Fürész-Mayernik MelindaBaba- és gyermek angol oktató, tanácsadóElérhetőségeim: Telefon: 06-30/402-80-92 E-mail: info@angolkalauz.hu Honlapok: http://www.angolkalauz.hu Facebook: www.facebook.com/angolkalauz |
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